It’s always good to be prepared incase the unexpected happens! But what exactly should you have in your car in case of emergencies? We’ve rounded up 15 of the things we think you need to keep in your car!
You never think you will need it, but you never know when you might so it’s important to have some essentials in your car just incase. Not always for emergencies but for those situations when you simply forget something, it’s great to know you have spares in your car!
- Spare tyre and tyre jack – If you need a special key to release a bolt on your wheels ensure this is always available too
- Jumper cables – Dead batteries happen and with jumper cables you’re a bit more prepared incase it does
- Duct tape – Lightweight and versatile, there aren’t many problems that duct tape can’t help to fix!
- First aid kit – ensure it is full and things are in date. You never know when you might need to use it
- Torch – So handy if you break down at night and you need to change a tyre or have a look under the bonnet. (spare batteries for this too!). A candle in a can or matches can work just as well for winter emergencies
- Energy bars – Just incase you are stuck in your car for longer than you expect, energy bars can provide a much needed boost
- Water bottles – Staying hydrated is important on long journeys, and if you get stranded you’ll be thankful of any drinks or snacks you might have
- Phone charger – A charger that fits into your cigarette lighter can be used to charge a dead phone if you become stuck
- Seat belt cutter and window breaker – To be kept in your glove compartment rather than the boot, you can find cheap ones on Amazon
- Maps – (the paper kind) if you are stuck somewhere with no internet or signal, then a paper map will come in so handy!
- Ice scraper – Used for clearing ice from the windows in the winter
- Cardboard or carpet remnant – this can be placed under the tyres for traction in the snow or ice
- Warm, waterproof clothing – Keep this in your car incase you have to wait a long time for assistance. If you often have kids in your car, keep clothing for them too
- Blanket – useful not only for keeping warm in emergencies, but also for impromptu picnics at the park!
- Spare change/emergency money – You never know when you might need it
This list isn’t exhaustive, but does cover some of the essentials you may need when travelling about. Let us know if you have anything that isn’t on this list!